Category: DIATEST Products, Gear Gauges

External Gear Gauges

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DIATEST flexible indicating 2-point measuring instruments for external gear gauging.

Key features

  • Range over balls Ma = 0 – 140 mm
  • Available in four measuring ranges: Ma = 0-30, 0-70, 30-70 und 70-140 mm
  • Ball anvils are interchangeable
  • Optional: Checking stand
DIATEST External Gear Gauges EG


Balls are made of carbide. Many ball diameters are available on stock as well as roller anvils. For zero setting, please use measured sample components or setting masters. Mechanical and digital indicators storing the MIN-value can be used. Special designs on request.

Measuring process

To set the gauge use measured sample components or setting masters. Setting masters cannot be provided by DIATEST. Introduce the gauge into the measured component / setting master and determine the minimum size (reversal point) by swinging to and from and set the indicator to zero. This procedure is then repeated in the component, here the reversal point shows the deviation to the setting master.

The digital indicator MDU-M125 stores the minimum value during the oscillation through the component. The size Mi can be displayed absolutely or relatively (to the setting master).


For enquiries please always state the dimension between balls (Mi) and the ball diameter. In certain cases it may be advisable to provide a sample component.

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