Try the Magnescale LU20 + DS Series Gauges – For Free!
We’re giving you the chance to experience the innovative Magnescale LU20 + DS Series gauges from the μMATE+ series – absolutely FREE for two weeks!
• Borrow the gauges for two weeks, free of charge – no commitment.
• Simply provide your feedback on the experience, and if possible, share some photos of the gauges in action.
Your feedback will not only help us fine-tune our offerings but also showcase these remarkable tools to highlight their value for engineers and manufacturing teams looking to enhance their measurement processes.
Simply provide your feedback on the experience during the free two week trial period, and if possible, share some photos of the gauges in action. After two weeks you will be required to return the equipment back to us.
See are offering a free two week trial period, extensions may be granted on request. Contact our sales team if you have any questions.
Email us at with the subject line: “Free Trial – Magnescale Gauges”
But act fast – we only have one set of equipment to loan at a time therefore places are limited!
Innovative Measurement Technology Limited is offering UK customers the opportunity to test the new Magnescale LU20 (F) Digital Indicator, DS805SR5 & DS25NR5 Gauging probes free for two weeks.
The following terms and conditions apply to this trial period:
Terms and conditions
Want to find out more about the LU20?
Click button to learn more about the Magnescale LU20 + DS series gauges and see how it can improve your inspection processes.