Category: DIATEST Products, Gear Gauges

DIA-COME (for gear gauging)

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Flexible and sturdy measuring tables for measurement of I.D. and O.D. DIA-COME measuring tables are offered in different sizes, layouts and measuring ranges. They are often used close to the production machine, e. g. for measurement of samples.

DIA-COME C2 measuring tables are available in 3 sizes. They have a fixed and a moving measuring contact. Measuring range of the moving contact is 20 mm. The C2 tables cover different measuring ranges.

Key features

  • Internal Gear Gauges Mi = 70 – 275 mm 
  • External Gear Gauges ma = 0 – 245 mm
  • Extensive range of accessories
  • Special measuring inserts on request
DIATEST C2 measuring table with external gear gauging and stop
DIATEST C2 JS measuring table with external gear gauging

Flexible and sturdy measuring tables for gear gauging

Additional application kits (Kits) provide solutions for the most common measuring tasks, e. g. for small diameters. Special measuring inserts on request. ((Tische auch in 3-Punkt-Ausführung vorhanden.))

Mechanical or digital indicators can be used, also inductive and incremental probes, PC, DIATRON or printers. Measured values can be transferred wireless (DIAWIRELESS) to a PC or DIATRON by using an appropriate indicator.

DIA-COME, see chapter Measurement of diameter and length

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