A new range of precision laser triangulation sensors that are fully Orbit Enabled and compatible with all Solartron Readouts and Gauging Software
Key features
Very Compact 20 mm wide
Measuring Range LT1 (25mm), LT2 (10mm)
Accuracy – better than 12 μm
Repeatability LT1 – 2.5 μm, LT2 0.5 μm
Resolution LT1 – 0.4 μm , LT2 0.15 μm
Sampling Rate up to 4 kHz
LT2 specifically for shiny metallic surfaces
Checking the thickness of a piece part
Checking the thickness of a sheet
Checking the depth of tyre tread
LT Laser system
Checking the roundness of a motor shaft
Checking the height
Checking the components of a hdd
Solartron Metrology reliable and precise non-contact measurement devices are quick and easy to set up, with multiple outputs available into a PC or PLC.
Non-contact sensors are used to meet the needs of manufacturers of sterile or delicate products as well as items that might be scratched by traditional touch probes.