Category: Portable Measuring Arms, Tomelleri Engineering Products

Tomelleri MICRON Portable Measuring Arm

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 Thanks to the unique counterbalancing system and the 5 axes configuration, the MICRON arm is the most accurate portable arm ever made. For touch probe inspections where the accuracy is fundamental, the MICRON arm represents the perfect solution.

The particular design of the MICRON arms allows to access the piece all around its outline like no other CMMs can do, assuring an easy access with a unique configuration. It’s the perfect equipment for touch probe inspections when the easy-use and the high precision are required, quick and within a hand’s reach.

  • Measuring field 250x250x250mm & 400x250x250mm
  • Next level accuracy
  • Zero G counterbalance

The most accurate portable measuring arm ever made

The MICRON arm is capable of achieving a level of accuracy never seen on a portable arm. To get better than 0.01 mm of accuracy has never been so easy.

Tomelleri MICRON Portable measuring arm
tomelleri mercury measurement arm header image

Key Features

Zero G Counterbalance

The mass-counterbalance system found on the MIRCON is different to other portable arms reducing the error to 0.

Next Level Accuracy

The MICRON arm is capable of achieving a level of accuracy never seen on a portable arm. Better than 0.1mm of accuracy has never been easier

A Complete Solution

A complete selection of dedicated accessories is available to ensure proper fixation of the instrument

tomelleri mercury measurement arm header image

Tomelleri measurement arm package

Sold as a complete inspection package, every Tomelleri arm purchased from IMT is supplied with a Windows 10 laptop, Aberlink 3D measurement software for articulating arms and includes installation and training.

tomelleri mercury measurement arm and Aberlink software
The perfect software for

Tomelleri Measurement Arms


ModelMeasuring FieldAccuracy (micron)*Repeatability (micron)*
MICRON 250250 x 250 x 250 mm4+L/505
MICRON 400S400 x 250 x 250 mm5+L/507
* = values reported are expressed with 2 σ. error


FFixed probe
AAutojoint (Interchangeable Probe system)
WWireless configuration
Possible combinations -F , -FW , -A , -AW
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